Qadiani? > Death of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani?

Death of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani?

The Holy Quran says:

"Alas for my servants! there comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him." (36:31)
وائے حسرت بندوں پر! ان کے پاس کوئی رسول نہیں آتا مگر وہ اس سے ٹھٹھا کرنے لگتے ہیں۔ سورۃ یٰس

It is surprising to note that this absurd allegation has no basis what-so-ever from the history. The Promised Messiah (peace be on him) had written 6 years before his death, in Tadhkiratush Shahadatain that he had complaints of diarrhea. No where in the Holy Quran or Hadith it is written that if someone dies due to weakness of diarrhea in his old age, he died a cursed death. May Allah open your eyes and you be able to recognize the Imam of the Age. Ameen. Here we copy a page from the book Seertul Mahdi written by Hadhrat Musleh Mauood which describes the last few days and death of His Holiness Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Promised Messiah (peace be on him). It is clear from the record of all eye-witnesses that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be on him) died on his bed with his last words: Allah.

یہ حیرانی کی بات ہے کہ تاریخ سے اسے بیہودہ الزام کا کوئی بھی جواز موجود نہیں۔ حضرت مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی نے اپنے وصال سے چھ سال پہلے اپنی کتاب تذکرۃ الشہادتین میں لکھا تھا کہ آپ کو پرانی دستوں کی بیماری ہے۔ اب کیا کسی قرآنی آیت یا حدیث میں یہ لکھا ہے کہ کوئی عمر رسیدہ شخص دستوں کی کمزوری سے وفات پاجائے تو وہ لعنتی موت ہوگی؟ اللہ تعالٰی آپ کی آنکھیں کھولے اور وقت کے امام کو پہچاننے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے۔آمین۔ ذیل میں ہم حضرت مصلح موعود کی کتاب سیرۃ المہدی کے ایک صفحہ کا عکس پیش کررہے ہیں جس میں حضرت مسیح موعود و مہدی موعود علیہ السلام کے آخری دنوں کے واقعات اور وفات کا واقعہ درج ہے۔

تمام افراد جو وہاں پر موجود تھے ان سب کی ایک ہی گواہی ہے کہ آپ نے بستر پر اپنی جان جانِ آفریں کے سپرد کی اور آپ کی زبان پر آخری لفظ ’ اللہ ‘ تھا۔

The death of his Holiness, on whom be peace

He always had complaints of diarrhea. This disease worsened on his arrival in Lahore, and since there were hordes of people who were ever present to meet with him, he did not have a chance to rest and recuperate. He was in this state when he received this revelation "Arabic: arraheelo summa arraheelo" that is 'the time for departure has arrived, again the time for departure has arrived'. This revelation worried many who were present there, but right then they received news from Qadian of the demise of an affectionate friend, and people thought that this revelation was with regards to this person and thus felt relieved, but when he (The Promised Messiah a.s) was asked, he said that this revelation concerned someone very important to the community, and was not regarding the person who had died. The revelation caused anxiety to mother, who one day suggested that we go back to Qadian, but he replied 'going back to Qadian is not within our means anymore. Only if God takes us could we go.' But despite this revelation and his ailment, he continued to work, and even in this state of bad health he proposed to deliver a lecture to promote peace and harmony between the Hindus and the Muslims, and had even started writing the lecture, and gave it the name "Paigham e Sulah" (The Message of Peace). This worsened his condition and made him weaker and his diarrhea became even worse. One the night preceding the day this lecture was completed he received another revelation

[ persian ]

that is, 'do not trust the mortal age'. He told everyone in the house about this revelation right then and said that it was regarding his own self. The lecture finished that day and it was handed out to be printed. At night he passed loose excrements and was gripped with extreme weakness. Mother was woken up. By the time she got up, his condition was extremely weak. Mother worrisomely asked what had happened to him? He replied “same thing that I used to tell you” (that is the ailment of death). He passed another loose excrements and the weakness worsened. He asked for Maulvi Nooruddin sahib (Maulvi Nooruddin, as has been said above, was a reputable physician). Then he asked for Mahmood (the writer of these lines) and Mir sahib (his father in law) to be woken up. My bed was only a little distance from his, and when I woke up I saw him to be in a state of immense ailment. The doctors came and started medication but that didn't improve his state. At last some medication was given via injection after which he went into sleep. When it was morning, he woke up to say his prayers. His throat was so weak that when he tried to speak no words came out. At this he asked for pen but couldn't write either and the pen fell from his hand. After this he lied down and in a little while he was overcome by unconsciousness and around 10:30 in the morning his soul appeared before that True Emperor for the sake of serving Whose religion he had spent his entire life. Innalillah e wa inna ilayhe rajioon (indeed we are from Allah and to Him is our return). All through his ailment, there was one word constantly on his lips, and that word was "Allah".

The news of his demise spread throughout Lahore at lightening speed. Members of the community living at different places were telegraphed with this news, and on the same evening or the next morning the newspaper delivered the news of the death of this great person all over India. Whereas the grace with which he had dealt with his adversaries will always be remembered, that happiness cannot be forgotten which was celebrated by his opponents at his death. A mob of Lahorites gathered within half an hour around the house in which his blessed body was present, and showed its narrow-mindedness by singing songs of jubilation. Some had donned weird costumes to show off their wickedness.

Now a question from those who believe in such absurdity: What were you doing in the toilet? If you were not present there, then who told you about it? If your mullah was present there, was he working there to clean the toilet? Please provide record of his employment there. If you can not do that, then fear Allah.

اب ایک سوال ان لوگوں سے جو ، اُس مُلائیت کی اندھی تقلید میں جس سے آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے امت مسلمہ کو خبردار کیا تھا، اس قسم کے لچر اعتراضات کو ہی اسلام مانتے ہیں۔ جناب آپ کیا یہ بتانا پسند فرمائیں گے کہ آپ حضرت مرزا صاحب کی وفات کے وقت وہاں کیا کررہے تھے؟ اگر آپ وہاں موجود نہیں تھے تو کیا آپ کے مولوی صاحب وہاں صفائی ستھرائی کاکام سرانجام دے رہے تھے؟ اگر ایسا نہیں تو کچھ خدا کا خوف کھائیے اور جھوٹے مولویوں سے بچ کر رہیے ورنہ آپ اپنا دین برباد کردیں گے۔

A similarity with Jesus son of Mary a.s.

Since Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad peace be upon him was appointed Promised Messiah by Allah (swt) in Muslim Ummah similar to Jesus son of Mary a.s. was appointed to Ummah of Hadhrat Moses a.s.. This very objection by the opponents of The Promised Messiah on the death of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad peace be upon him is similar to the objection on Jesus son of Mary. The Jews also claim they killed Jesus son of Mary a.s. on the cross and he died a cursed death. (Nauzobillah)

This is another sign for the believers!

حضرت عیسٰی بن مریم علیہ السلام سے مماثلت

حضرت مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی علیہ السلام کو اللہ تعالٰی نے امت مسلمہ میں مسیحا کے طور پر مبعوث فرمایا جیسا حضرت عیسٰی بن مریم کو موسوی امت میں مسیحا کے طور پر مبعوث فرمایا تھا۔ اور بہت سی مماثلتوں کے علاوہ (جن کی وجہ سے ہی مسیح موعود کو عیسٰی بن مریم کہا گیا) یہ وفات پر اعتراض بھی مماثلت ہے ۔ یہودی بھی حضرت عیسٰی بن مریم علیہ السلام پر یہ جھوٹا الزام لگاتے ہیں کہ انہوں نے آپ کو صلیب دے کر لعنتی موت کے گھاٹ اتارا (نعوذباللہ) ۔ اسی طرح مُلاؤں نے حضرت مسیح موعود علیہ السلام کی وفات کے متعلق بھی جھوٹا قصہ گھڑ کر مذاق اُڑایا۔

یہ مماثلت بھی مومنین کے لئے ایک اور نشان ہے۔